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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! North Carolina Math Standards - 2nd GradeMathScore aligns to the North Carolina Math Standards for 2nd Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Number and Operations2.N.1 Represent whole numbers from 0 through 1,000 in terms of the base ten numeration system.2.N.1.1 Illustrate whole numbers to 1,000 in groups of ones, tens, hundreds and thousands by composing and decomposing flexible groups. (Counting Squares ) 2.N.1.2 Interpret the value of a digit (1-9 and 0) in a multi-digit numeral by its position within the number with models, words and numerals. (Place Value to 1000 ) 2.N.1.3 Use benchmark numbers (25, 50, 75, 100, 200, etc.) to determine a reasonable estimate. 2.N.1.4 Understand counting by 10's and 100's on and off the decade. (Skip Counting ) 2.N.1.5 Compare whole numbers less than 1,000 with symbols (<, >) and words. (Order Numbers to 1000 ) 2.N.2 Use multiple strategies fluently to solve story problems involving addition and subtraction. (Basic Word Problems ) 2.N.2.1 Remember addition and related subtraction facts (sums to 20) to develop fluency. (Fast Addition , Fast Addition Reverse , Fast Subtraction , Missing Term , Mixed Addition and Subtraction ) 2.N.2.2 Use properties of addition to solve multi-step, two-digit story problems. 2.N.2.3 Use benchmark numbers to facilitate mental math strategies, estimation and judging reasonableness of answers. (Rounding Numbers , Estimated Addition , Estimated Subtraction ) 2.N.2.4 Apply strategies to compose and decompose when adding and subtracting whole numbers less than 300. (Addition Grouping , Long Addition to 1000 , Basic Addition to 1000 , Basic Subtraction to 1000 , Long Subtraction to 1000 ) 2.N.3 Understand the concept of division as fair shares (equipartitioning). 2.N.3.1 Illustrate division by making equal sized groups using models. (Understanding Division ) 2.N.3.2 Interpret verbally the share as "1/nth of the whole" and the whole as "n times as much" as the share. 2.N.3.3 Understand the relationship between the size of a fair share (of a set or of a single continuous whole) and the number of people sharing (compensatory principle). Algebra2.A.1 Classify numbers into the categories of odd and even. (Odd or Even )2.A.1.1 Recognize patterns created with odd and even numbers. (Odd or Even Theory ) 2.A.2 Represent situations found in story problems as number sentences with unknowns. (Basic Word Problems ) 2.A.2.1 Understand how a verbal situation is translated into an equation. 2.A.2.2 Understand how a variable represents an unknown. 2.A.3 Use patterns to solve problems. 2.A.3.1 Understand that patterns grow or repeat. (Patterns: Numbers , Patterns: Shapes ) 2.A.3.2 Apply patterns to properties of numbers and operations. Geometry2.G.1 Classify the faces of polyhedra as polygons.2.G.1.1 Classify angles as greater than, equal to or less than a right angle. 2.G.1.2 Recognize faces of polyhedra (cube, triangular prism, rectangular prism, triangular pyramid, and rectangular/square pyramid) as polygons (triangles and rectangles, including squares). 2.G.2 Compare polygons to determine whether they are or are not congruent. 2.G.2.1 Classify polygons in three ways; same size, same shape (congruent); same size, different shape; and different size, same shape. (Congruent And Similar Triangles ) 2.G.2.2 Understand congruence in polygons with different orientations (proximity, position, directions and turns). Measurement2.M.1 Understand the use of non- standard units in measurement of length, weight*, capacity and area.*More properly mass, but most commonly understood as weight at this grade band. 2.M.1.1 Compare objects with respect to their lengths, weights or capacities using non-standard units. 2.M.1.2 Understand that larger units can be subdivided into equivalent units (partition). 2.M.1.3 Understand that the same unit can be repeated to determine the measure (iteration). 2.M.1.4 Understand the relationship between the size of a unit and the number of units needed (compensatory principal). 2.M.1.5 Understand the measuring of two-dimensional space (area) using non-standard units. 2.M.2 Understand how to tell time. 2.M.2.1 Use analog and digital clocks to tell time to the hour and half hour. 2.M.2.2 Understand a.m. and p.m. 2.M.3 Use strategies to count money collections. 2.M.3.1 Remember the names and values of coins (penny, nickel, dime and quarter). 2.M.3.2 Use multiple strategies to count collections of coins up to one dollar ($1). (Counting Money ) 2.M.3.3 Use the symbols $ and ¢ properly. (Counting Money ) Statistics and Probability2.S.1 Understand data from statistical investigations in order to develop and evaluate inferences and predictions.2.S.1.1 Analyze parts of data and the set of data as a whole to determine what the data show in Venn diagrams (2 circle) and line plots. 2.S.1.2 Use counting concepts of grouping and comparing to illustrate the differences between values and frequencies in line plots. 2.S.1.3 Identify patterns and trends to make decisions using data. Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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